
The Kindness Effect

“Kindness is the one size fits all gifts that everybody needs.”
-Kathie Donovan

Science is finally catching on to the kindness movement, recognizing that thoughtfulness is not a sign of weakness but a healthy and meaningful habit.

What may appear to be a very simple act is actually a rather complex experience for us humans. Even observing kindness can have an impact on us. We experience kindness in our heart as in “his kind act touched my heart” as well as in our head because we remember kindness and are sometimes inspired to be kind to others as a result of having the experience.

When I was researching my first book Inspiration in Action: A Woman’s Guide to Happiness, I had a study group who would play along with some of my ideas, one of which was an experiment called The Mindfulness Project. I challenged the participants to carry out simple, thoughtful acts for other people for one week. Some were asked to give compliments freely for a week, others were asked to buy someone a cup of coffee, or smile at three people. The results were inspiring, as each person reported back that they felt the power in a small kind act, even when they weren’t the recipient. Science calls this effect “helpers high.”

Acts of kindness have tremendous physical benefits. Showing kindness, releases the hormone oxytocin, which produces nitric oxide that helps lower blood pressure. Oxytocin also supports good self-esteem and optimism. So, next time you’re feeling shy, show someone some kindness and you’ll feel the benefit too.

“In the same way that it wouldn’t take much to turn your day around, ask what you could do for someone else.”
-Kathie Donovan

A few years ago, I used a simple strategy to spread kindness. I wrote thank you notes on a piece of paper, folded it in half and placed it under random windshield wipers in the parking lot, outside my doctor’s office, outside a hospital, in a very full downtown parking lot; always when I thought nobody could see me. The message inside would say “you have a beautiful smile” or “you make our world better by being here” or “you are loved,” you get the idea. I’d write For You on the front of the paper and leave it under the windshield wiper. While I’ll never know how those messages were received, I know what I intended and I definitely felt that “helpers high.”

The cool thing about kindness is that it’s absolutely free. Kindness is a smile, looking someone in the eye, saying thank you, giving compliments freely. It’s assisting someone when it looks like they need it, it’s doing something kind for someone and not telling anyone about it.

Kindness can be learned and it’s an excellent habit to cultivate because kindness has magical powers. The kinder you are to others, the more kindness comes to you in ways you would never anticipate. Kindness when practiced regularly  helps to reduce stress and leads to a feeling of wellbeing.

If you choose to see the world with kindness instead of fear, you’ll have a much better day and everyone around you will benefit. I challenge you to foster kindness in your community and notice what a difference it makes for you and everyone you encounter. All you have to do is ask yourself  what small act of kindness could you do for someone to make their day brighter? Then enjoy doing it. Be kind; live well.

Kathie Donovan

Currently a Wellings Ambassador and Living Well Advisor, Kathie was Canada’s broadcasting sweetheart and co-host of Regional Contact for almost 30 years. Kathie travelled the Country shedding light on attractions, causes and talented artisans tucked away- off the beaten track. Her love of connecting people, caring and sharing is inspiring. Kathie has authored three books, continues to build on her workshop series “ Refresh Your Passion”, and is currently taping a new TV show, yet still has time to love what she’s doing and live well.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

Summer Skin Care

It’s Summertime as we spend more time in the great outdoors soaking up all that vitamin D naturally we need to be mindful of the powerful sunshine and ultraviolet rays. 

  • Many sunscreens offer protection up to 50 SPF (sun protection factor) so slather it on before you head out the door to get maximum enjoyment from your day.
  • Look for natural healthier options, available in most local health food stores and in the natural cosmetic section in most grocery stores. 

Proper Application of Sunscreens

Sunscreen should be applied at least 15 minutes before going outside and at least every 2 hours while you are outside.

  • Apply it generously to any areas that are not covered by clothing, a hat, or sunglasses. Don’t forget your ears, the backs of your hands, and your scalp, if you have very short hair or are bald.

To get the full benefit from your sunscreen, it is important to use the recommended amount.

  • For example, an adult should use about 7 teaspoons (35mL) of sunscreen to cover all areas of exposed skin (1 teaspoon for each arm, 1 teaspoon for each leg, 1 teaspoon for your front, 1 teaspoon for your back, and 1 teaspoon for your face and neck).

Don’t forget, if you are swimming, you may need to reapply sunscreen when you are out.  

As summertime is fun-time, here are a few tips to share from Health Canada

Now you are all set for a lively wander to experience all life has to offer, adventure, nature, and laughter along the way. Wellings walking club is a great way to connect with people and nature, send us an email if you would like to join us at live@wellingsofstittsville.com, and don’t worry, we always have some sunscreen! 

Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen is the Vice President of Living Science Wellness Centre located in Stittsville. A Mind Body Spirit & Business Coach, UFH Unity Field Healing Practitioner, Relational Clearing Practitioner and a Business Transformation Advisor. To connect with Susan and her team: https://livingscience.ca/

The Power Of Connection And Community

I remember what it felt like when I walked into a new classroom in grade school, after my family moved to a new city. I felt so alone and uncomfortable until I connected with the people in my class, which didn’t take too long. I’ve experienced that same feeling over and over throughout life whenever I’ve been courageous enough to join a class or a new group of any kind.

You’d think we’d learn that the feeling of being alone doesn’t last very long but fear often wields its power to keep us from trying new experiences because fear’s job is to keep us safe and comfortable. Ultimately, I believe we’re all looking to feel connected and we’re at our best when we’re part of a community. Our fear is quickly eased either through conversation or shared activity, just like it was when I was in grade school. Our work then is to ask fear to take a seat while we get on with the business of exploring the amazing opportunity communities have to offer.

Science shows us that human beings are born for connection and we thrive when we’re part of something greater than ourselves. Today, young people often refer to their group of friends as a tribe, borrowing from history and they’re not wrong. We thrive when we’re with our tribe because ultimately community is where we feel valued, seen, heard and appreciated.

Communities have a powerful effect on our wellbeing: emotionally, physically and spiritually; helping us feel socially connected and providing a sense of being part of something meaningful. In our digital world, on-line communities can provide a touch point without us having to be together physically but nothing can replace the relationships we make when we’re together in person.

As human beings, we need familiar threads to tie us together: family is a great example. Although not perfect, a family’s story has commonalities and provides a sense of belonging that we attempt to replicate throughout life. Depending on the stage of our life it could be a social circle, a spiritual group, a workplace family or the community we choose to live in.

Just as our roles in life shift, the importance of connection and community shifts as well. We are meant to continue learning and growing as humans, so as we retire from full time work or become empty nesters, joining a group or community offers focus, engages our imagination and enriches our social skills. How about learning a new language, volunteering, joining a dance or yoga class; perhaps taking martial arts classes?

As we age, our focus should be on enjoying a good quality of life: maximizing friendship, health and happiness.  Living well at The Wellings means being part of a community where everyone is encouraged to thrive, where everyone has an opportunity to contribute, where there’s reduced stress, opportunities to make new friends, learn something new and above all feel safe when you’re at home. This tribe is fuelled by the enthusiasm of its members and supported by the staff; I just don’t think you’ll find a better definition of a freedom living community than the lifestyle enjoyed by folks who live at The Wellings.

Kathie Donovan

Currently a Wellings Ambassador and Living Well Advisor, Kathie was Canada’s broadcasting sweetheart and co-host of Regional Contact for almost 30 years. Kathie travelled the Country shedding light on attractions, causes and talented artisans tucked away- off the beaten track. Her love of connecting people, caring and sharing is inspiring. Kathie has authored three books, continues to build on her workshop series “ Refresh Your Passion”, and is currently taping a new TV show, yet still has time to love what she’s doing and live well.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

Set The Table And Connect With Friends

Having a few friends over for a dinner can be a great way to unwind, chill, and relax while enjoying some great food and wonderful conversation. Think of it as Life À La Carte.

Setting the mood for your next soiree can be as important as choosing the menu. 

When your dinner guests arrive you’ll want your WellingsⓇ home to be warm and inviting a fresh scent will capture their senses and start those creative juices flowing…

If you’re like me your front hall closet contains everything from sport shoes, sandals, work shoes and everything in between. Take their coats and hang them in your Veeva scented closet. Hang a terra cotta diffuser filled with a few drops of Veeva essential oil.

Have a diffuser or candles lit to create ambiance and enhance mood, your guests will appreciate the effort.

Serve a special drink for the occasion and in case you have guests who have to drive, creating a mocktail version will be appreciated. Water infused with lemons and oranges or other fruits and vegetables is not only delicious and surprising, it is a wonderful way to quench their thirst.

Try these easy & delicious family favorite appetizers to start: 

  • For a warm appetizer try fresh medjool dates wrapped in bacon, bake 400 degrees F for 5 minutes turn and bake for another 5 minutes until bacon is crispy, super easy and one of my favorites.
  • Cucumber slices with herbed goat cheese and julienned fresh red peppers with fresh parsley sprinkled on top are a great choice. They are appetizing in colour, low in calories and taste delicious. For an easy finger food, try wooden skewers with a cherry tomato, a sprig of fresh basil leaf, or slice of black olive, a mini bocconcini cheese ball, drizzled with a reduction of balsamic vinegar and voilà you are off to the races.
  • Followed by the Main course, Dessert, Coffee or Tea!

Connecting with friends is an integral part of living well at Wellings and we hope you will enjoy entertaining and creating a few of our tried and true favorites while sharing a few laughs.

Bon Appétit!

The Science of Wellness, Eat.Live.Love ~ Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen is the Vice President of Living Science Wellness Centre located in Stittsville. A Mind Body Spirit & Business Coach, UFH Unity Field Healing Practitioner, Relational Clearing Practitioner and a Business Transformation Advisor. To connect with Susan and her team: https://livingscience.ca/

Laundry And The Love Of Essential Oils

It’s inevitable, we love life and between our clothes and linens at some point, the washing machine must get turned on.

Has this ever happened to you?

Laundry machines using your In-suite washer and dryer you get busy and forget there is a load in the washing machine.

In searching for your favorite piece of clothing, you come to find you have had the misfortune of leaving a load of wet damp laundry in the washing machine for a couple of days.

Chances are you opened the door and discovered a sour smell in the machine along with your freshly washed clothes.

  • Tip: Wash the load again this time add some Veeva essential oils, add a few drops to the soap in the dispenser.
  • Tip: To keep front load dryers smelling “stress-free” leave the door open and add Veeva essential oils, add a few drops of the masterfully blended stress blend on an old washcloth or pillowcase left in the dryer will leave it smelling fresh like patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Sweet Orange and Clove.
  • Tip: Want to keep your linens smelling “clean and fresh” longer? Add a few drops of Veeva essential oils to a face cloth or pillowcase and tuck it in your linen closet.
  • Tip: Make your own dryer sheet by adding a few drops of Veeva essential oils to a washcloth or pillowcase and toss it in with your drying load. Everything will come out smelling fresh and clean.

Did you know that Just a few drops of our beloved Veeva essential oils will not only bring a whole new freshness to your laundry but in a diffuser, it can aid in peace and tranquility throughout your entire cosy studio suite. Lavender is a calming scent and science has shown it can aid in falling asleep, it is another good choice for your pillowcases, just remember a little goes a long way!!

The Science of Wellness, Eat.Live.Love ~ Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen is the Vice President of Living Science Wellness Centre located in Stittsville. A Mind Body Spirit & Business Coach, UFH Unity Field Healing Practitioner, Relational Clearing Practitioner and a Business Transformation Advisor. To connect with Susan and her team: https://livingscience.ca/

Rise & Shine!

“Living well, starts when you start your day” – here’s a few tips on how to boost your goodness intake and shine from the inside out…

Why is it important to get started with a decent breakfast?

“Breaking the fast” the first meal of the day after you’ve had a good night’s sleep.
Many seniors like quick and easy starts to the day.

Many are on the go with tea and toast.

Is there a better way to eat a tea and toast style breakfast?
Try adding a teaspoon of unflavoured collagen, great for your bones, skin, hair and nail growth.

Choose a hot cup of bone broth over a hot cup of tea. It has nutrients your body needs like collagen and essential vitamins and minerals, electrolytes and is warming first thing in the morning. Chicken bone broth, Beef bone broth or Vegetable bone broth are great choices.

Ginger and Lemon Tea as a warm alternative, it’s great for digestion and ginger warms the body, internal organs, also calming for an upset stomach.
Add a protein and some nutrients to your toast, some spreadable cream cheese, peanut butter, avocado and try some nut butters such as almond, pumpkin, tahini, egg salad, salmon, spreadable proteins to give you energy. If you want to add good fats to your diet, add butter or spread coconut oil.
If you are taking medications and the practitioner suggests they be taken with food, tea & toast won’t be enough. This is often the reason why your stomach feels upset, you may lack concentration, or experience brain fog, a feeling of malaise.

You’ll need to add sea salt to your diet. A pinch in a glass of water first thing in the morning and sipping throughout the day will keep you hydrated and the sea salt contains minerals your body needs. Also, sea salt helps you absorb the water and lessens the need to urinate as often.
Want to turn it up a notch?

Overnight oats are a great way to have breakfast and a good solution for those busy people on the go. As you head out the door to an appointment, to your golf game, to a meetup, or your next adventure.

Grab this Overnight Oats Jar from your fridge & bring a spoon.
Here’s the easy recipe:

Start by using a 500ml mason jar
Add ½ cup of quick oats (we like Only Oats because they are gluten-free)
A pinch of sea salt
A pinch of cinnamon
*A scoop of your favourite protein powder (we like IronVegan vanilla sprouted protein because it has 17g of protein, 3 g fibre, 4g carbohydrates, 0g sugar).
Then add your favourite liquid to fill the jar.
We suggest 1 ½ cups of unsweetened Almond Milk and ¼ cup of unsweetened coconut milk or use any combination you choose: Such as milk, almond milk, coconut milk or soya milk.
Leave some room to add berries, a teaspoon of maple syrup a few nuts, pumpkin seeds & chia seeds the next morning. Or if you have a sweet tooth add a few nibs of dark chocolate.

Note*If you don’t have protein powder you can make a substitution and use ½ cup of Yogurt in the morning & stir.

The next morning grab your Overnight Oats and a spoon and head out the door. This delicious nutritious breakfast will keep you feeling full, fueled and energized as you begin your day.

Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen is the Vice President of Living Science Wellness Centre located in Stittsville. A Mind Body Spirit & Business Coach, UFH Unity Field Healing Practitioner, Relational Clearing Practitioner and a Business Transformation Advisor. To connect with Susan and her team: https://livingscience.ca/

An Open Conversation About Change

Has this Happened to You?

You go to the produce department of your grocery store and they’ve moved your favourite vegetable or fruit. Now you have to go searching for its new location and along the way you notice some items you didn’t know were on the shelves.

You might even pick up one or two new things. Discovering date butter recently, while looking for fresh blueberries was a revelation for me.

Retailers understand the need to change their displays to keep things fresh and their customers interested but the idea doesn’t always apply to our day to day life. Really, many of us are what financial planners call risk-averse.

I’m guilty as charged when it comes to managing my finances however the rest of my life is filled with risk because I’ve learned to use my superpower of courage. Believe me, I wasn’t always so eager to change things up.

Embracing change is not a natural thing for us humans and we find ourselves complaining about it because we’re wired for safety. When we think change, often we think discomfort, right?

We’ve been trained through how we’re wired as humans and through social conditioning to resist changing anything. Our beautiful brains have intricate systems to keep us protected. When we feel threatened or pushed to make some kind of change or change is happening around us and we can’t control it, we freak out a little…or a lot depending on the circumstance and all we want is to get back to the safety of life before this perceived disruption.

What we’re really afraid of when it comes to change is being outside, what we describe as, our comfort zone. It’s that feeling of familiarity with surroundings and behaviours, where we can predict what will happen with some confidence.

Stepping outside that zone makes us feel unsettled because we can’t predict what will happen and often we choose not to take action as a result.

Of the 40,000 – 60,000 thoughts that we have rolling around in our brain every day, I’d be willing to bet some of them are about changes you’d like to see happen in your life and others are about why you shouldn’t do anything about it.

So How Can we Learn to Embrace Change?

First of all, we need to understand that our brain can change how it operates; the great news is that we’re not stuck with the wiring we came into the world with.

The science is called Neuroplasticity and it refers to the idea that we can rewire our brains not to fear change so much, in fact, we can learn to embrace change; it’s all in how we choose to think.

Some of the change we experience in life is a result of being alive…anybody else noticing a little drooping of this and that?  Other change is within our control and some change is out of our control.

Faced with any of the above, we have a choice: we can either accept or resist and this is where the magic happens. It’s in our choice.

If you’ve met an older person with a youthful spirit, someone who was interested in you and has a lot to offer, then you have witnessed what I’ve just described. Remaining open-minded, being kind and courageous, making ourselves life-long learners all contribute to making us feel ageless.

I like to joke that people 55 plus today are part of generation ageless because that’s how I want us to see ourselves. Sure, change happens but when we’re open-minded, change looks more like an opportunity for growth than a threat to our safety and when we grow, the focus is always on improving our lives.

We, Humans, Crave Continuity, Yet One Thing We Can Be Sure of in Life is Change.

I think the best question we can ask ourselves is what are we really afraid of? In the answer will be the key to acceptance because when we start to get clear about why we’re afraid, it’s usually not as overwhelming as we initially perceived.

Having compassion for ourselves is a big part of learning to embrace change and sharing our fear with others who have compassion for us is important as well.

See change as a natural part of life instead of an interruption because it is natural and learning to embrace it by participating in it instead of fighting against it will bring surprising results.

When We Know Where We Fit In, We’re More Likely to Take a step in a new direction.

We need to feel like participants in every step of our life’s adventure. While it may be tempting to allow someone else to take care of your business, they may not give you the result you really want.

So, navigate change with your friends and family; don’t be afraid to seek a professional’s advice if it’s an unfamiliar subject. Continue to educate yourself and share what you fear, so you can find clarity.

Do the research, ask questions and talk it out with others going through similar experiences. It’s important to know what your priorities are, when it comes to navigating change, so you can prevent others from imposing their ideas on you rather than remaining neutral and giving you the space to make informed choices.

Enjoy your life….go to the movies, set up coffee dates, do yoga, whatever makes you feel good and fills you up, will be great support as you navigate change. Learning to embrace change is work and its work worth doing because your happiness depends on it.

Changes in our lives should be working for us; not the other way around. Live well; be well.

Kathie Donovan

Currently a Wellings Ambassador and Living Well Advisor, Kathie was Canada’s broadcasting sweetheart and co-host of Regional Contact for almost 30 years. Kathie travelled the Country shedding light on attractions, causes and talented artisans tucked away- off the beaten track. Her love of connecting people, caring and sharing is inspiring. Kathie has authored three books, continues to build on her workshop series “ Refresh Your Passion”, and is currently taping a new TV show, yet still has time to love what she’s doing and live well.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

How To Live A Vibrant And Healthy Life

So you recognize, it’s time to change a few things in your diet and fitness level and want to know where to start…

Are you asking yourself some of these questions?

I know my energy level is decreasing, what can I do?

  • Eat smaller meals, snacking or grazing more often throughout the day. Add protein, a boiled egg, a bowl of oatmeal, nuts, seeds, and good fats, a slice of avocado, a spoonful of coconut oil in your morning coffee.
  • Get moving, a few jumping jacks will increase your heart rate. Next a few arm circles: extend your arms, shoulder height and do a few arm circles, five forward and five backward. Smaller at first and larger circles.  Staying active: Go for a walk around your landscaped grounds enjoy the water feature and stroll along the walking trail through Poole Creek to explore. Listen with your ears. Notice what sounds you hear, birds singing, planes overhead, people laughing, music playing, leaves swaying in the trees. Memory recall think of something or somewhere or someone the last time you heard that particular sound.
  • February is heart health month, learn to love yourself, wrap your arms around yourself and give you a great big heartfelt hug. Trees emit energy so hug a tree & feel energized.  Look at yourself in a mirror, make eye contact and tell yourself how much you love you!

I want to live a vibrant and healthy life for as long as possible, what do I do now? Answer: Just start

  • Is it ever too late to start? The answer is no it’s never too late to begin to live vibrantly.  Look around you there are remarkable adults 55+ doing some amazing things and they didn’t start them until after their elite years. Light yoga, a stretch class, walking, exercise do something every day to keep moving or your body will seize up. Keep your mind active too! Try puzzles, sudoku, scrabble, yahtzee. And keep your spirit vibrant too try meditation, affirmations, deep breathing, a new hobby or joyful experience to add vitality.

I don’t want to focus on what I eat all the time, what are some tips I can start using now?

Some supplements we recommend for boosting energy and adding nutrients to your diet include: BioSteel greens as simple as adding a tablespoon to 250ml/1 cup of water can add 6-8 servings of vegetables to your diet. So the answer is yes you can drink your vegetables.

Deep breathing – this is another simple solution to change your mood, boost your energy and increase your vitality.

Sit quietly, feet firmly on the ground, sit up straight and tall, take a deep breath in, and imagine the word Live as you inhale, exhale the word Live, then imagine the word Live going up through your body and out the top of your head.

Your lungs will thank you for the deep breathing break.

Just breathe

The Science of Wellness, Eat. Live. Love ~ Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen

Susan Stephen is the Vice President of Living Science Wellness Centre located in Stittsville. A Mind Body Spirit & Business Coach, UFH Unity Field Healing Practitioner, Relational Clearing Practitioner and a Business Transformation Advisor. To connect with Susan and her team: https://livingscience.ca/


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