
From Cluttered to Clear: The Importance of Creating Space for Personal Growth

Creating space in our lives is essential for inviting in new opportunities and experiences. Whether we’re in a season of transition or simply looking to improve our current situation, making room for the next best thing requires a willingness to let go of what no longer serves us and actively create space for what will. In this video, we will explore the benefits of decluttering both physically and mentally and discover ways to actively cultivate the space needed to bring in new and exciting things in our lives. Click here to watch the video. 

Healthy Habits for a Stronger Immune System: Infused Water, Bone Broth and Berries

Welcome to our video on boosting your immunity with vitamins and antioxidants. In this video, we’ll be discussing the benefits of infusing water with immune-boosting ingredients and the power of incorporating berries into your diet and bone broth. We’ll show you how easy it is to incorporate these simple changes into your daily routine and how they can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn about the natural ways to boost your immunity. Click here to watch the video. 

Ensure Family Harmony When Planning Your Estate

When you leave an inheritance to your loved ones, you intend to give each person some welcome help in meeting their financial and life goals. No one wants an inheritance to cause discord among the beneficiaries. Unfortunately, that can happen in certain situations if plans aren’t shared with beneficiaries in advance. 

By communicating your plans, you can find out if each person is comfortable with what you have in mind. If you discover that someone feels they’re not being treated fairly, or that your plans might strain the beneficiaries’ relationships, you can make changes to remedy the situation. 

Generally, three types of situations may lead to inheritance troubles:

  • When siblings’ inheritances of cash or financial investments are intended to be fair but are not equal 
  • When a property is being shared 
  • When one beneficiary receives an indivisible asset

Fair versus equal 
Some parents face a situation where they question if it’s fair to divide an inheritance equally. If one child is a well-paid chief executive officer and the other faces health issues and has often been unemployed, do they receive the same inheritance? If parents gifted one child the down payment on a home, is that amount deducted from their share? If one child left their job to care for their aging parent, does that child receive a larger inheritance? When a parent wants to give inheritances that aren’t equal, it’s best to have a discussion with children to make sure they accept the plan. 

Sharing a property
Siblings may have different ideas on what to do with an inherited property. Say that a parent handed down a vacation property that had been in the family for generations to their three children. Two of the children want to keep the property, but one wants to sell it and use the proceeds to fund their children’s education. Situations like this do arise and can lead to bitterness between siblings. If you find out in advance about your children’s wishes, you can work with your advisor to develop a solution that is acceptable to all. 

When an asset won’t be shared 
What happens when only one child will be taking over the family farm or small business, or inheriting the vacation property? You need to find a way to compensate the other child or children. If there won’t be enough cash or other assets available to equalize the inheritance, you could consider naming the other children as beneficiaries of a permanent life insurance policy on your life. Whatever solution you choose, it’s important that all children agree it’s fair to everyone.

Moving On To Create Space For Your Best Life

Happy New Year. May this year bring you much joy, kindness, and blessings too many to count. January always feels like a fresh start to me. It’s an opportunity to look at where we can edit out what no longer serves us and invite in new experiences.

Last fall, I spent some time looking at what’s in my clothes closet because it was time for the annual clear out. While I feel very blessed to have a lot of clothes, some of them have been waiting for a turn for far too long. My lifestyle has changed a little during the pandemic and some of my pants seem to have shrunk, so it was time to evaluate what clothing matched my current life.

Timing is everything because as I was thinking about clearing out my closet, I received a call from a local charity, offering to pick up any clothing or household items I didn’t need any longer. All I had to do was leave bags on my porch and they would swing by and pick them up. In a flurry, I edited my wardrobe and my surplus gift drawer, filling bags and my heart, knowing that the beautiful items I was parting with would be well received by someone else.

We humans have a habit of hanging onto stuff, people, and situations sometimes for too long. We’re attached to the past because it’s familiar, so even when situations, relationships and sometimes pants are no longer a fit for our current life, we hang on, allowing these things to take up space that we really need for something or someone more in line with our current circumstances.

I understand the courage it takes to edit people and situations in our life that aren’t aligned with our current needs. It’s been a personal project of mine, over the last ten years or so. Sometimes, those of us who are recovering people pleasers must learn that unless a situation or a relationship is an enthusiastic yes then it’s really a no or a not right now. That means setting healthy boundaries to ensure we’re not compromising ourselves any further.

“If we don’t say yes authentically, we say yes resentfully, and that leads to far more problems than if we’d said no in the first place.”
-Natalie Lue

In my experience, we must let some things and people go to create space for what truly reflects wherever we are right now. I love what Eckhart Tolle says about surrender: “To some people, surrender may have negative connotations, implying defeat, giving up, failing to rise to the challenges of life, becoming lethargic, and so on. True surrender, however, is something entirely different. It does not mean to passively put up with whatever situation you find yourself in and to do nothing about it. Nor does it mean to cease making plans or initiating positive action.

“Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life.”
-Eckhart Tolle

When we yield to the flow of life, in other words, when we accept our circumstances instead of wishing our life could be different, we’re creating space for new opportunities and we’re setting ourselves up to take clear action toward the next steps on our adventure. At this time of year, we’ve been conditioned (I say conned) into thinking that if we make resolutions to change our habits or introduce new ones, we’ll finally achieve our dreams and goals. Then there’s the inevitable lunch bag letdown that sneaks in because the pressure is overwhelming, and we feel disappointed in ourselves once again because we didn’t get something right. It’s such a waste of our precious energy and time. Wouldn’t it feel better and be more productive to focus on some healthy thinking habits and take small action in the direction we want to be going in? For those of us who are recovering people pleasers, choosing to focus on saying no or not right now to an invitation that we really don’t want to accept is empowering. Practicing even this one thing will help you to feel increasingly convinced that the decisions you make are right for you. Choosing to prioritize your own health, happiness and well-being by saying no is not a negative, although at first it may feel that way. Trust me, with practice and kindness, this gets easier.

Habits become habits because we choose something repeatedly until it’s an engrained part of who we are. I wasn’t always a grateful person, I lived in a lack mindset for many decades of my life, thinking I didn’t have enough, I wasn’t enough, and I couldn’t do enough. The result was that I lacked happiness, enjoyment, and satisfaction. Once I started nurturing the habit of focusing on what I’m grateful for in my life, the results shifted. I started noticing all the ways I had enough because I had learned to count my blessings instead of noticing what was wrong with everything. I learned that I am enough exactly as I am, and I am doing enough because I’m committed to doing my best. It’s remarkable how powerful we human beings are when we acknowledge that life is a beautiful, challenging, dynamic experience and every one of us is deserving of all the good life has to offer; all we have to do is create space to receive it.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

Pivoting Back to Normal Once the Holiday Fun Stops

Being thought of as “The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year,” the holidays tend to be a time that brings family and friends together to enjoy lots of food, drinks, sweets, and good cheer. It also tends to be when fitness routines and healthy eating are abandoned, sleep schedules are forgotten, and stress levels climb. All this change can take a toll on your body and mind, leaving your routine a mess and you discombobulated with little hope of returning to normal. 

There is no need to worry or regret your choices. Enjoying the fun and excitement of the holiday season with family and friends is essential to creating a happy, healthy life. Embrace the moments and plan to pivot back to your “normal” routines once the holiday fun stops. 

At Fitness Powers, we can help. Our team has shared below six quick and easy tips we use to reclaim our “normal” and revive from all the holiday fun. 

1. Give yourself a breather! 

The holidays can drain you physically and mentally after the holidays, so find your happy place where you can spend some quiet time alone and reconnect with yourself. Do something that allows you to find peace and feel contentment—for example, journaling about all the positive experiences of the holiday season.

2. Get outside!

Being in the sun and enjoying the fresh air is a great way to relax your mind and redirect your thoughts. Take a walk focusing on what you see, feel, and hear. 

3. Create a plan!

Having a plan is a powerful step in returning to a “normal” routine. It allows you to reflect on your daily routines to identify the habits required to create change. A clear plan can also influence how we feel and think about our ability to change.

4. Create Motivation!

We don’t automatically have motivation, so we must create it. Finding resources that build up our drive, knowledge, and support to make positive change can be done in various ways. Connect with a fitness professional, such as The Fitness Powers team; find an online resource like Participaction or listen to a podcast on wellness topics, such as “How To Accelerate Your Wellness By Clarifying The End Result” on Podtail are a few examples.

5. Get your Sleep!

A good night’s sleep is a vital component of overall health. Allowing your body and mind time to rest and recover leads to more focus, energy, and patience during the day, all of which are needed to change back to your “normal.”

6. Dump the Sugar!

Not everyone can go cold turkey so take it one step at a time. Start with something simple and doable. For example, give half your sweets away if you don’t have the willpower to remove all of them. Put the rest in the freezer, where you don’t see them all the time. Out of sight, out of mind.

Remember, creating change isn’t all or nothing. Even one small positive step moves us forward, so as the holiday fun ends, give yourself time and celebrate all those little wins as you pivot back to normal.

Bringing the Sparkle: Simple Ways to Brighten Someone’s Holiday Spirit

The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, but it can also be a stressful and overwhelming time for many people. In this video, we will explore some easy and practical ways to bring a little extra sparkle and cheer to the lives of those around us.

Whether it’s a thoughtful gift, a kind gesture, or a heartfelt message, there are countless ways to spread joy and lift the spirits of those we care about. So let’s get started on bringing some cheer to the world and lighting up the holiday season for all!

Click here to watch the video. 

Resilience: The Secret Weapon for Success in Life

Welcome to our video on resilience! Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to handle stress and challenges in a healthy and effective way, and to adapt and thrive in the face of change. It’s a critical skill to have in today’s world, where we are constantly faced with new challenges and uncertainties. In this video, we’ll be exploring the concept of resilience in more depth, and sharing some strategies and techniques for building and strengthening your own resilience. So join us as we dive into the topic of resilience and discover why it’s our ultimate superpower. Click here to watch the video. 

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like the Holidays

December is an exceptional month and one of my favourites. It marks the end of the calendar year, the return of more daylight and many gatherings for religious and family celebrations. It’s a time of both reverence and joyfulness. We all have ways to mark the special occasions we celebrate and outside of the more formal religious traditions, it’s a good idea to make sure our rituals match our lifestyle.

It’s been said that the festive season is the most wonderful time of the year, and it can be. I’ve chosen to stop making the full turkey dinner for our Christmas celebration; instead, my gift to myself is purchasing the meal already made, requiring some easy reheating in the oven. When you add up the time and effort it’s a fair trade with the added benefit of more time for me to enjoy the day.

If the Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to have a deeper appreciation of what’s important to us, choosing to invest our precious time wisely. It’s not so much how many friends you have but the quality of those friendships. The Pandemic reminded us that we’re all in this together and helped us feel more comfortable caring for each other. These are the things to celebrate during the festive season.

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
-Hamilton Wright Mabie

The Danish and Norwegian cultures set the mood for feelings of well-being and pleasure with their tradition of Hygge (pronounced hew-guh). It’s a general living concept that focuses on coziness and enjoying the good things in life with good people. If you’re on your own, simply enjoying your morning cup of coffee or tea in a cozy setting or dressing warmly to enjoy a walk outdoors would do the trick. Perhaps taking a bubble bath will help create that comfy feeling.

Gathering with people is a feature of Hygge, given the long cold winter days. We can create a welcoming atmosphere to share food and drink with friends but consider doing it during the day for lunch or snacks instead of in the evening for dinner. It’s a way to connect over festive food and uplift one another, in a season where some of us may struggle. 

May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open to great possibility.”
-Mary Anne Radmacher 

Nostalgia can take hold in December, when we’re reminded of family and friends we miss or traditions we long for. Recently I learned from an ageless 97-year-old woman at Wellings of Corunna that it’s better to focus on what we can do instead of complaining about what we can’t do anymore. It may be the perfect opportunity to start some new activities that will light you up this festive season or re-ignite some of the traditions you loved before the Pandemic started.

If you long for the gatherings you used to have, organize a gathering with a few friends, where everyone brings some food to share or have everyone contribute to having it catered. Instead of missing all the baking you used to do for family and friends, come up with one or two things you love to make and share your goodies with people around you. How about a special sweet gift for that person who might be challenging to love or who might be struggling in some way?

Consider creating your own holiday cards or purchasing cards and sending them in the mail or dropping off at someone’s door, to lift their spirits and let them know you’re thinking of them. Again, consider someone who might be stressed about something because they need our kindness now more than ever. In fact, kindness is the best one-size fits all, everyone needs it kind of gift.

If you’re considering what to give your family and friends, why not ask them what they need instead of giving them more stuff. Maybe they need help paying bills or they need a night off from taking care of children; your gift could be to pay for a babysitter. One Christmas my husband and I were gifted with a three-month soup subscription and another year we received a three-month cheese subscription. Being creative with gift giving is lots of fun and makes the person receiving your gift feel special.

I find twinkle lights so festive; I have them glowing in our living room, all winter long. They’re inexpensive and rather magical to me. I’m sticking with two traditions that have deep roots in both my husband’s and my family.  My mother-in-law’s white fruit cake is something people line up for and the treasured plum pudding that my Mum and Godmother made will grace our table and will be shared as gifts. These limited-edition homemade treats evoke the spirit of Hygge (which makes me think of a hug) bringing up warm, cozy memories we all have of the festive season.

This year, as you reflect on what’s important to you, enjoy sharing the spirit of the season with others and remember to be a gracious receiver. Appreciation and kindness are two of the most needed gifts of all. Wishing you much joy, peace and Hygge this holiday season.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

12 Days of Fitmas

Try our 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge, where you complete mini-workouts to get you moving during the holiday season. Each workout can be done one, two or three times a day. Whatever works best for you, do something to keep your body moving while you enjoy the most wonderful time of the year. 

Fitness Powers wishes you a very healthy and safe holiday season.

Click on the links below to take you to your daily micro workout.

12 Days of Fitmas Introduction – Click Here

Day 1 – Click Here

Day 2 – Click Here

Day 3 – Click Here

Day 4 – Click Here

Day 5 – Click Here

Day 6 – Click Here

Day 7 – Click Here

Day 8 – Click Here

Day 9 – Click Here

Day 10 – Click Here

Day 11 – Click Here

Day 12 – Click Here

For a complete printout of the 12 Days of Fitmas Click Here

Graceful Aging

Aging gracefully is about living your best life and having the physical and mental health to appreciate it. With care, you can mature like wine. Here are a few tools we love that you can add to your life toolbox of resources to keep you happy and living well with us at the Wellings.

1. Be skin-friendly
Protect yourself with sunscreen and clothing. Try getting yearly skin checkups with your doctor, and drink plenty of water to make your skin happy. It helps keep skin healthy and reduces indications of aging.

2. Get fit
Regular exercise lowers your heart disease and cancer risk and prolongs your mobility. Exercising reduces stress and improves sleep, skin, bone, and mental health. Plus, many studies link a sedentary life to chronic illness and early death. Active choices include walks, hikes, vacations, and group workout programs.

Five hours per week of moderate-intensity activity, 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, or a mix of two or more days per week is recommended.

You can consider aerobic exercises: walking, dancing, and cycling. Muscle and bone-strengthening activities use weights or resistance bands: balance training, and cardiovascular and muscle-building workouts.

3. Mental wellness is key
Being joyful and managing stress helps you live and age healthily. Why it’s important to see friends and family. A robust social network improves mental and physical health and longevity. People with a positive perspective about aging live longer and recover from disabilities better. Learning to accept aging can make a difference. 
Enjoy life. Spending time doing things you love will make you happier. 
4. Reduce stress 
The impacts of stress range from premature aging and wrinkles to heart disease. Among the proven strategies to reduce stress are: Meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga. 

5. Sleep enough
Good sleep is good for your body and mind. Also, it’s good for your skin. Getting enough sleep: reduces heart disease and stroke risks
it will also help you reduce stress and depression and helps improve focus and concentration by reducing inflammation.

6. Try new things
New and meaningful activities can give you a sense of purpose and keep you motivated. In addition, those who indulge in hobbies, leisure, and social activities are happier, less depressed, and live longer.

Finding new activities might give you a sense of purpose.

7: Be mindful
Acceptance and living in the moment are crucial to mindfulness. In addition, practicing mindfulness has various health advantages that might help you age better.

8. See a doctor
Regular visits can help discover problems early or before they develop. Your medical visits depend on age, lifestyle, family history, and health.

At The Wellings, we know that aging gracefully is about health and happiness, not wrinkles. So, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, surround yourself with affection and positive energy. Stay well, my friend.


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