Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in integrative medicine, which incorporates body, mind, and spirit.
After a medical internship at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco, he worked at the NIMH for a year and wrote The Natural Mind. As a Fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs, Dr. Weil traveled to North and South America and Africa to research medication use in different cultures, medicinal plants, and alternative disease treatments. From 1971 until 1984, he studied medicinal and psychotropic plants at the Harvard Botanical Museum.
Dr. Weil is the founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. He also holds the Lovell-Jones Endowed Chair in Integrative Rheumatology and is a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Public Health. The Center is developing a comprehensive integrative medicine program. Through its fellowship, the Center currently trains doctors and nurse practitioners worldwide.
Dr. Weil is a well-known authority on healthy living, healthy aging, and the future of medicine and health care. Prevention magazine publishes Dr. Weil’s monthly piece. In addition, Dr. Weil is an international specialist in medicinal plants, alternative medicine, and medical education reform.
In this episode, Dr. Weil covers foods and habits that boost mental and physical health. Learn about inflammatory disorders, how to cure and avoid them, and the origin of most medical problems. This episode is essential.
Dr. Andrew Weil explains how to boost brain function, reduce inflammation, and live longer. Click here to watch the video.